Welcoming summer
As the spring semester wraps up, I’m reflecting on the cyclical, yet ever-changing nature of life in academia. This year I’ve had the privilege to work with some wonderful students on Junior/Senior Engineering Clinic Projects and we advanced our use of network science in answering important research questions, such as:
How do undergraduate engineering students cope with stress and which methods are most effective?
How does collaborative learning impact the social networks of engineering students?
The paper that describes our findings about how collaborative learning impacts the social networks of engineering students will be presented at the American Society for Engineering Education’s annual conference in June!
My clinic teams had 7 seniors and 2 juniors this semester, so I will be sad to say goodbye to those who are graduating.
But with the end of the academic year also comes the beginning of summer, where there is more time and space to focus on new research projects and programs. I’m excited to begin collecting and analyzing data on the impact of Engineering Unleashed Faculty Development workshops with my collaborator, Divya Sindhu Lehka, with support from the Kern Entrepreneurial Network’s Rising Star Award. I’ll also be working with colleagues at Rowan to assess the impact of Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) on students.
Stay tuned for more updates as the summer gets underway!
Fall 2022 News
It’s been a busy few months with the fall semester underway. Some exciting updates from the group during this semester include:
Our paper (authors: KE Mallouk, AC Strong, DR Riley, and CJ Faber) How Engineering Education Guilds are Expanding our Understanding of Propagation in Engineering Education was published in the Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research
We were awarded a $1.5M NSF S-STEM Grant to provide scholarships, community building, and leadership training to Rowan engineering students
Rowan Today Article about the grant: https://today.rowan.edu/news/2022/12/nsf-grant-to-boost-inclusivity-in-engineering.html
One of our Junior/Senior Engineering Clinic teams has an abstract under review for the 2023 American Society of Engineering Education’s Annual Conference and Exposition
Dr. Kaitlin Mallouk was appointed as the Provost Fellow for Faculty Development starting in September 2022. In this role she will be examining and implementing methods for quantifying and assigning faculty workload in an equitable way.
Looking forward to a few weeks of winter “break” then jumping back into the Spring and teaching my first new class in 9 years: Teaching in Academic, Corporate, and Government Settings!
It’s been a busy few months with the fall semester underway. Some exciting updates from the group during this semester include:
Our paper (authors: KE Mallouk, AC Strong, DR Riley, and CJ Faber) How Engineering Education Guilds are Expanding our Understanding of Propagation in Engineering Education was published in the Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research
We were awarded a $1.5M NSF S-STEM Grant to provide scholarships, community building, and leadership training to Rowan engineering students
Rowan Today Article about the grant: https://today.rowan.edu/news/2022/12/nsf-grant-to-boost-inclusivity-in-engineering.html
One of our Junior/Senior Engineering Clinic teams has an abstract under review for the 2023 American Society of Engineering Education’s Annual Conference and Exposition
Dr. Kaitlin Mallouk was appointed as the Provost Fellow for Faculty Development starting in September 2022. In this role she will be examining and implementing methods for quantifying and assigning faculty workload in an equitable way.
Looking forward to a few weeks of winter “break” then jumping back into the Spring and teaching my first new class in 9 years: Teaching in Academic, Corporate, and Government Settings!
Regular updates are hard…
Considering it has been over a year since I last posted, it is clear that my ability to regularly update this site is not great. Lots of exciting things happened in the last year, but I want to focus on just the news from the last month:
The article that Alexandra Strong, Darby Riley, Courtney Faber, and I wrote as part of our NSF RIEF grant came out in the Journal of STEM Education: Innovation and Research. We explored Engineering Education Guilds (KEEN and CPREE) in the context of the Designing for Sustained Adoption Instrument. You can check it out here: https://www.jstem.org/jstem/index.php/JSTEM/article/view/2586
I was also recently awarded a $1.5M NSF S-STEM grant with my Co-PIs Juan Cruz, Jess Everett, Stephanie Farrell, and Steven Chin entitled “Engineering Persistence: A Support System for Low Income Students to Catalyze Diversity and Success”. This grant will allow us to offer 4-year, $10,000 scholarships to academically talented, low income students who want to study engineering at Rowan. Read more here: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2221511&HistoricalAwards=false
2022 really felt like that year that my prior 8 years of hard work at Rowan came to fruition. I’m really looking forward to what the future brings!
Summer Recap
A bit about what happened during Summer 2021.
Like all things since March 2020, Summer 2021 was unusual. Darby Riley and I attended the Networks 2021 Conference and the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and the First-Year Engineering Experience Conference remotely. We made some really good professional connections and got to share our work on Engineering Education Guilds. Earlier this month, I co-facilitated a new Engineering Unleashed Faculty Development Offering: Design Your Academic Life. The pilot offering of the workshop went pretty well and we all learned a lot about how to make it better for future iterations!
I also managed to do some traveling - my mom, sister, and I spent 10 days in a Alaska and then my parents, kids, and I spent a few days in Nantucket. It was nice to be away from home, but still nerve wracking to fly.
Classes are nearly upon us, and I’m looking forward to being back in the classroom.